Account clearing process is used to clear open items in an accounts. Clearing process is used to clear one or more open line items within one account. On clearing open items, system will create a clearing document. E.g. vendor payment can be cleared against vendor invoice posting. AL-NUKALY will use clearing only if the open items are not cleared for some reason at the time of posting. Clearing process may be automatic or manual. Automatic Clearing clears the transactions in an account based on user-defined criteria.
Clearing of line items in case of certain accounts e.g. bank sub-account will also be possible based on certain criteria’s. The following criteria will be used for clearing the line items.
Account Type like Debtors, Vendor, Material, General Ledger and Asset
Account code.
In addition to the above-mentioned criteria additional criteria will be defined to facilitate automatic clearing. The prerequisite for the clearing process of an account is that the account should he created as open item management in the master.
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