SAP NetWeaver is the technical foundation on which almost all mySAP solutions are currently based. SAP NetWeaver is the functionally enhanced successor of the SAP application platform mySAP Technology and serves as the basis for the Enterprise Services Architecture, in order to meet requests for flexibility and integration between systems, interfaces, users and processes. It connects information, business processes and people across system and organizational boundaries. It is the central tool for reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO) of complex system infrastructures.
SAP NetWeaver - Overview of Components
On the following four integration levels SAP NetWeaver provides the core functions for the technical infrastructure of business solutions:
People Integration, Information Integration, Process Integration Application Platform SAP NetWeaver also supports cross-application software, so-called composite applications or xApps (xApps connect heterogeneous systems in continuous cross-function processes so that the underlying applications can be more or less ignored). Furthermore, different software interfaces ensure full interoperability of applications that are running on Microsoft .NET and IBM WebSphere.
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