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Connecting Different Systems to SAP XI


The sending system makes the data available in document format, for example, IDoc, and sends it to the adaptor via a protocol. The adaptor transforms the document to SAP XI format and sends it to the Integration Server using HTTP(S). In the configuration you specify which adaptor the receiver is to use to receive the message. The Integration Server sends the message to the corresponding adaptor, which converts the message to the receiver’s protocol and sends the message to the receiver. If a cross-system business process it to be implemented by means of SAP XI and the involved systems include SAP Web AS >= 6.20, then SAP XI provides a new programming model. This can be used to define the interface descriptions in the Integration Repository irrespective of the platform. These descriptions can be used to generate proxies in the different application systems for JAVA applications or SAP systems. In the application system proxies represent the interface from the Integration Repository

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Article details
Article ID: 15
Category: Connecting Different Systems to SAP XI
Date added: 2016-11-02 18:18:41
Views: 378
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (2)

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