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Production order types help in differentiating between various production orders

according to usage or location; for example different order types can be created for

each branch and different order types can be created for Mixing / Dough Mix /

Roasting / Frying / Conching / Wrapping / Packing)

These order types help in tracking the manufacturing process carried out at manufacturing location – NUFICO and reports can be generated.

The user at the manufacturing location has to use the relevant order type while

creating the production order according to the requirement.


Production Order Creation and Release

When a Production Order is created, the system copies various master       data onto itself:

·         Routing: The system checks for the routings, which fall within the Production Order start date [Routing Validity Date]. In case where more than one routings are defined, the system will prompt for selection of a routing. In case the user wants to use an alternate routing after the order is created, the same would have to be manually changed by the user at this stage. It is also possible to change, add or delete operations in the routing. The changes are applicable only for this order.

·         Bill of Material: The system checks for the BOMs, which fall within the validity date. The system also checks for the default BOM and selects it. In case the user wants to use an alternate BOM, the same would have to be manually selected by the user at this stage. It is also possible to change, add or delete items in the BOM. The changes are applicable for this order only.

Production orders will have internal number assignment; once the production order is saved, the system would assign an internal number            for the production order.

Production order will result in creation of material reservation for all the required components.  When the final confirmation is done for an order, it     has to be ensured that ‘Open Reservations’ are cleared for that order.

In order processing and control, the scheduling function calculates the production dates and capacity requirements for all operations within an           order.

Production orders have two types of dates namely, Basic dates and             Scheduled dates. While basic dates are calculated using data from material    master, the scheduled dates are calculated from the routing data. The     scheduled dates are always accurate. When a production order is created, it will always be automatically scheduled.

During production order creation, the system calculates the planned cost   for that order based on the standard cost estimate; the system throws an     error message if it finds any error in calculating the planned cost and      doesn’t allow further processing of that order.

Before releasing the production order and starting production, the system             has an option to check the availability of material and the capacity.  These      availability checks can be triggered either automatically or manually.

Availability check is carried out:

·         To verify whether stocks of all materials required for starting production exist

·         Whether capacity exists at the individual work centers which have been defined in the routing for the particular material

Based on the availability, the system would create necessary reservations for the material and machine.

·         If any components are not available in the stocks, system will create a missing parts list and a warning message will be issued to the


·         Users; it is also possible to block the order release if there is any shortage of source materials.

·         Material reservation list is created automatically by the system for the entire list of materials required.

Once all the details are checked, the production order will be released.

Authorization for creating a production order will be with authorized personnel only.


Changes in Production order (Finished goods quantity, BOM components             etc) is possible. Authorization for changing the production order shall rest     with the persons who have the authorization for creation also. Also,       orders can be locked or can be marked as ‘Deleted’.

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Article ID: 65
Date added: 2016-11-21 23:51:45
Views: 850
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.1/5.0 (9)

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